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In this video, the Empty Hand applications and concepts of Kali Sikaran are presented by Dakilang Guro Jeff Espinous. This is his personal approach and teaching method of applying FMA to Free Fighting or MMA. Offensive and defensive techniques are demonstrated with entries to throws and submissions. The gap principle is used along with clear entries to close the distance: from Kicking to Punching, into Grappling and Submission Locks in one seamless flow.
“This video series was produced more than 20 years ago and is still more than accurate for MMA practitioners today...” In this video you will see the Empty Hand way of Filipino Martial Arts, Kali Sikaran.
This video is my own vision of what Street Fighting or Urban Self Defense means, what it takes to survive. It is a combination of, my bouncer and body guard experience and common sense.
Presented are defensive applications against; grabs, punches, and kicks. Also included are situational defenses at the bar and against a wall.
In this video you will see Jeff Espinous demonstrating Kali Streetfighting and Self Defence.
Abanico Video Pack. 19.90 Euro

It's about passing the conventional way of only drilling with a pair of sticks and more being able to use the benefit of that specific training to increase our empty hand ability. Sinawali's are not only coordination exercises. They give us a physical potential which should transcend our ability in all aspect of the Art. Our weapon skill for sure but also our hand skill. Let's discover the Street Fighting Sinawali applications.
Included: Introduction / Basic Footwork / Sinawali Drills / Abanico Variations / Dunga Variations / Doble Doble Variations / Sinawali Principles / Empty Hand Sinawali N.6 Applications against Jab /
Sinawali N.6 Applications against Jab & Cross /
Sinawali Street fighting Application "Against the Wall
The goal of this video is to give you a safe way to train. To come slowly and safely in a sparring world. "I believe that we are the one to challenge ourself... "
These drills have been made to come step by step into the sparring world, on your own rhythm with your own abilities. Sparring should be seen as a game, not as a fear exercise but more as a way we play.
"We learn to play soft to be one day able to play hard..."
Included: Introduction / Basic Drill Level One - Beginner
Basic Drill Level Two - Intermediaire
Basic Drill Level One - Advanced
Chaining Principle / Focus Gloves Drill

In this video you will see all the different aspects of the Filipino Boxing or Panantukan also known as Dirty Boxing. From the basic foundation of our empty hand applications to the use of Filipino Karambit, Balisong , Tabak Maliit or Pocket Stick and their sparring training drill exercise applications.
Included: Sparring Drill using Gunting /
Filipino Karambit Applications & Principles /
Balisong Applications & Principles /
Tabak Maliit Applications & Principles /
Basic Entries against Hook /
Sparring Drill against hook /
Advanced Sparring Drills